

For Web Development CMS (Content Management System) is mostly essential for web developers, cause if developers do not use that, they have to write code again and again in every project. So it is true like Sun light that CMS makes web development more flexible. There are many CMS software available, WordPress is the one of most famous of them.

WordPress is most powerful CMS for web development, it is free and open source. WordPress is written by PHP programming language and which is paired with MySql and MariaBD database. WordPress was developed by WordPress foundation in 2003. About 455,000,000 websites are running by WordPress right now, about 20 % of websites are being used by WordPress.

WordPress has a user friendly web based user interface to design, update, edit, and publish websites. A lot of website themes are available in WordPress where a developer can design his normal website without HTML. Normal websites themes are typically free in WordPress, but premium websites themes are more designed and functional, those are not free, have to pay for premium themes.

WordPress has almost 55,487 plugins, which are used for websites specific needs. WordPress plugins are software which are written in PHP programming language, for using in WordPress websites, which are increase functionalities and features of websites.

Many famous websites are being developed by WordPress CMS, some names are given below:

# Windows Blog

# BBC America

# Play Station

# The Walt Disney Company

# Microsoft News

# The Walt Disney Company

# Yelp

# Facebook Newsroom

# MTV News

# cPanel Blog

CODE N DESIGNER has well ability to work with WordPress. We developed more and more Websites, such as Blog websites, e-commerce websites by using WordPress. Majority of our customers are pleased with their websites, which are developed by us. We are guaranteed to develop best websites for our clients.

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